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Growth Marketing with Skin in the Game

How many marketers do you know that have actually started their own side projects?

I’ve built and grown my own projects and I’ve deconstructed how others grew theirs. Read more about my findings or see how I can help you.

I help businesses in 4 ways

This is what I do best after years of working with multiple brands and building my own projects:

🎯 Positioning & Messaging: I'll help you create a positioning that people actually remember. You'll get a differentiated positioning, a one-liner that converts, and a conversion-focused landing page teardown.

⚡️ Getting you more customers: I'll get more people to know your brand. You'll know which channels to tackle, and how, and to expect of each of them.

🪣 Fix your leaking funnel: I'll help you reduce drop-outs in your funnel and reduce churn. You'll know how to improve each step of the funnel to make it sticky. Perfect if you're struggling in converting traffic to signups, revenue, or retaining users.

⚙️ Improve your Marketing Operations: I'll help you make your Marketing Ops lean. You'll get SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) to streamline existing processes, reduce back-and-forth chatter, and have more time for creative initiatives that move the needle.

I work in 2 models:

These are the models I best operate on:

🗺️ Do It Yourself (DIY)

I'll be your Growth Advisor. I'll help you with one or more of the points above. Whatever questions you have, I'll answer in 48 hours. All execution work stays on your side.

🚀 Done For You (DFY)

Me and my team will be your Growth team. We'll help you with one or more of the points above. Expect all the strategic advice, plus the execution of that work. Design, Content, Ads - you leave that to us.

See if we're a good match

Let's talk about your growth goals and see if and how I can help. Schedule a meeting with the link below, or send a message: